Exchange Traded Funds Investing For Beginners

Coming Soon!  Look for my new book Exchange Traded Funds Investing For Beginners – How To Buy Your First ETF And Grow Your Money.  Below is a free sample chapter and preview for you.


A stock investor named Janice, now a retiree, had grown her investments to nearly $700,000 in Enron stock.  Then Enron went bankrupt, she lost all of her money and was facing living on a $63 monthly Social Security check.  And worse yet for Charles, another Enron investor, who lost most of his $1.3 million retirement savings after working for 33 years.

Now, their stories illustrate two things.  One, that stock investing can be a great way to grow your money over time.  But two, that there are real risks when investing in just one company’s stock.

Had they invested in a stock-based Exchange Traded Fund (ETF), instead of just one stock like ENRON, they could have avoided this wipeout almost entirely.  Because ETFs give you diversification by spreading your risk across a large number of companies’ stocks.

This is one of the key advantages of ETFs.  Because they have diversification built right into them.  In other words, forget the needle, buy the whole haystack.

ETFs are used by thousands of investors at all levels to grow their wealth.  And it’s possible to do quite well with them over time.

But they can be particularly helpful for beginning investors.  Because ETFs make it possible for them to start with a small investment, which gives them a piece of many different stocks from the very start.

Thus making them more diversified, and so taking on less risk.  Then they can add to their ETF investment, or branch out to others, or individual stocks over time.

So are you someone who wants to make money in the stock market?  But you’re worried about the risks like Janice and Charles experienced.

Have you tried to understand investing with ETFs, only to be discouraged by how complicated they all seem?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, then this book might be just the solution you’ve been looking for.  Because it will show you just what you need to know, and no more, to start investing with ETFs.

And it will describe all of this for you in simple terms you already understand.  Not complicated theory.  Not a mind-numbing blitz of technical buzzwords.  Just what you need to know and no more.  And the few specific steps you can take to get started.

Here’s what you will learn:

-The 5 big reasons to invest in ETFs

-Simple explanations of the basics of ETF investing

-How to build a portfolio of ETFs.

-The one thing you must do to get started (but you only have to do it once).

-How to buy and sell ETFs.

-3 key strategies to protect your ETF investments from big losses (note Dan – these are position sizing and stop losses, plus more diversification with multiple ETFs).

-And many more invaluable tips on building your ETF portfolio.

So that by the end of this book, you will be able to buy your first ETF.  And you will know the simple steps to build a portfolio and grow your money with them.  All  to start on the your path to a more secure financial future.


So that’s the preview.  The book will be released in just a couple of months.  In the meantime, you might be interested in my book Stock Investing for Beginners – How To Buy Your First Stock And Grow Your Money.  It’s been well received, with over 2000 5-Star reader reviews.

Here’s what one reader had to say…

I FINALLY understand stocks!!

“This book is a work of genius!!! I tried to get into stocks years ago and none of the references for beginners I came across made any sense, so I gave up. I decided to give it another try and some references captured the very basics like “what is a stock?” “why is investing important?” but after that sent me for a loop again.

I decided not to give up again and that’s what led me to this book.  John Roberts simplifies EVERYTHING! He puts in a relative perspective so you can understand it better. Like saying an exchange is basically an auction. He relates something unfamiliar to something familiar so you can grasp it better. It helps a lot to be put this way.

And I love that he centers the book solely on stocks. Other references start throwing in bonds and funds when you barely understood stocks to begin with, making you twice as confused.

I also love that he reiterates some important points because sometimes I’ll forget something and wind up going back and try to read it again, but he brings up the points again to make it easier to stick. And being new to the stock market I need that reminder.

Upon reading this book, I was finally able to get a stockbroker account and begin investing with confidence. Something I never thought I could do. I can’t wait to read his other books!” – I. Espinosa

Many thanks for their good review, and if it piqued your interest, you can view Stock Investing For Beginners for free right here.

All the best – John Roberts

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