Inexperienced Traders Called The Turtles Made $100,000,000
The Turtles was a group of inexperienced traders that answered a newspaper ad in Chicago in the 80’s. The group was formed to settle a debate that Richard Dennis, a multi-millionaire commodities trader, made with a friend and fellow trader named William Eckhardt.
Dennis believed that successful trading was not an innate skill special people possessed, but could be taught. So, to settle the debate, he recruited and trained 21 men and 2 women, in two groups, one from December 1983, and the other from December 1984.
He trained them for only two weeks to use Read the rest of this entry »
Golden Dividends – Now This Is Getting Interesting
One of the main objections to investing in gold is that it pays no dividend. And the same can be said for many gold stocks.
Which puts us in a quandary as investors. Because indications are that the price of gold could go up in the future as the value of the dollar continues to erode due to inflation. Indeed, the price of gold could suddenly move up very rapidly like we saw over the past year.
And gold stocks have historically moved up even faster than the price of gold when this happens. And here’s the biggest part of the quandary. That is that gold stocks are Read the rest of this entry »
Four Of My Favorite Options Plays
I recall reading in the past where only seventeen surgical operations covered the vast majority of surgeries performed on people.
And I think you could say something like that with options trades. While there is virtually an infinite number of ways to put options trades on, there is some much smaller number of plays that cover the majority of options trades that people put on.
I don’t know what that number is, but I would bet it is seventeen or less. And in this post I’ll tell you what four of my favorite option plays are. Sure, I have others, but what is good about them is they are pretty easy to understand and Read the rest of this entry »
Doing A Straddle – One Of My Favorite Stock Option Plays
One of my favorite stock options trades to do is called a straddle – or a related trade called a strangle
When we do a straddle we are buying a call AND a put on the same stock at the same strike price. In other words, we aren’t choosing if the stock will go up or down, we are choosing both directions. We are straddling the fence, so to speak.
So if the stock goes up, our call makes money but our put loses money. If the stock goes down our put makes money but our call loses money.
When you net this out it sounds like we will never make money, right? So why would we do a crazy thing like this?
Because if the stock moves Read the rest of this entry »
Do You Have This Common Misconception About Bonds?
Bonds have their place in an investment portfolio when market conditions are right. However, even in the right market conditions, many people have a misconception about bonds that is not good for their financial health.
Let’s look at what that is.
A bond is simply you loaning money to a corporation for a certain period of time, so they will pay you interest. For example, you might buy a ten year bond for $1000 that pays 5% interest. When you buy the bond, you have loaned that money to the corporation.
Many people mistakenly believe that they can’t lose the original $1000 bond investment they made. That is the misconception. It is ONLY TRUE if you Read the rest of this entry »
Did You Know The Price Of Gasoline Hasn’t Gone Up Since 1967?
I did a fun investment thing this weekend. I turned my pocket change into .999 pure silver. I always get a kick out of that.
Because the “hold in your hand” silver is beautiful to look at. And because I know I am beating inflation when I do this.
Every night when I come home from work I put my pocket change in an old Folgers coffee can. I don’t think the brand of coffee is significant. Let’s just say I am a man with his own traditions.
But what is important is that the amount of money in the can builds up over time. So after about four or five months, the can fills up. Then I take the can to the grocery store and empty it into one of those change machines you see.
The machine counts the change and gives me a receipt. I take the receipt to the service desk and they give me cash. This trip they gave me $119. Nice.
Then I take the cash to my local coin dealer and buy one ounce .999 pure silver rounds with it. Since silver rounds were going for about $35 an ounce this weekend, I came home with three ounces of pure silver.
Had I kept the change, it would have continued to lose purchasing power. Do you know that the dollar has lost over 40% of its purchasing power since Read the rest of this entry »
Our American Energy Renaissance Is Creating Two Millionaires A Day
Regardless of all the bleak news we hear every evening, we are living, at this very moment, at the beginning of an incredible opportunity in the stock market. There is a huge, world-shaking, game-changing event beginning right now as I speak. It is already underway. And most people have not picked up on it yet.
And there is a ton of money to be made from it—in stocks. I’m talking J. Paul Getty-like opportunities, Rockefeller opportunities, like when the railroads started crossing America opportunities — like we can turn back the calendar.
I’m going to ask you a question — and then tell you the answer — which you may find hard to believe. But there is every indication, right now, today, that my incredulous answer is going to come true.
Here’s the question.
What country will probably become the biggest oil producer in the world, bigger than Saudi Arabia, within five years?
Here’s the answer.
The Read the rest of this entry »
Alligators At The Office – And You Thought You Had A Crazy Day
For those of you who don’t live in Florida, you might find this a bit unusual. Actually, as a Mid-West guy from the Heartland of America (St. Louis), I’m still getting used to it.
I stepped out of the office about 2:30 PM today to stretch my legs, and there, not 25 feet from me was an alligator, out of the lake, on the lawn, getting a suntan.
So that cleared my mind a bit, which is what work breaks are supposed to do – right?
Later, a nice lady at the office told me the alligator’s name is Read the rest of this entry »
Limit Your Losses Like The Pros – Use Trailing Stops
As we’ve said often before, both amateurs and professionals make mistakes. But professionals limit the damage and keep from wiping themselves out.
Here’s an important technique professionals use to minimize their stock losses. It’s called trailing stop losses, and it’s a technique I use (I even have it automated).
So here’s the thing. Instead of just deciding we will sell our stock if it goes down 25% from where we bought it, we are going to do something smarter than that.
Whenever the stock goes up higher, we are going to say we will sell it if it Read the rest of this entry »
Stocks Are A Lot Like Buses, Microsoft And An Instructive Story
For at least a year now, many financial newsletters I’ve read have been recommending investing in Microsoft. Microsoft is one of those companies that is just positively gushing billions of dollars of cash per year. And they recently started paying dividends.
The newsletter writers were saying this was a great buy and hold stock, which will consistently increase its dividends. I thought they were right then, and I definitely think they are right now.
But I just couldn’t get excited about it. The stock had been languishing around $20 a share forever. It was yawn wide boring. And I had Read the rest of this entry »