Archive for April, 2012

Why Bond Investments Seem So Confusing

Investing in bonds today could be hazardous to your financial health.  Unfortunately, many people are doing just that. People are literally moving billions of dollars out of their stock and stock mutual funds into bonds and bond mutual funds. They are doing this because bonds give them a false sense of safety.  And they are [...]


Stocks, Stop Losses And A Cat Named Klingy

When I was a boy, my neighbors had a little black kitten they kiddingly named Klingy.  He was a feisty, cool little cat and I used to enjoy walking next door and playing with him. One morning I went to see him and my neighbor Warren told me Klingy was no longer with us.  Klingy [...]


Only Trade Three Or Four Options At A Time

One of the mistakes beginning options traders make is they put on too many different options trades.  So they may wind up trying to manage options for six, ten or even twelve different stocks. That’s certainly manageable if you were just trading or investing the stocks.  But options are different. For starters, they move quicker.  [...]


When Selling Options Time Decay Is Your Friend

  You’ll recall from an earlier post that when we buy options (either calls or puts), we want to buy as much time as possible.  Because the more time we have, the better our odds that something good will happen – as in the underlying stock makes a big move in the direction we want [...]


J. Paul Getty, Physical Silver and Staying Power

Money isn’t everything but it sure keeps you in touch with your children J. Paul Getty I was recently reminded of the story of J. Paul Getty and a trick he did on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.  It seems J. Paul decided to stand prominently out on the floor of the [...]


Get To Know Your Local Coin Dealer

As a follow-up to our series on investing in silver, may I make a suggestion? And that is to get to know your local coin dealer.  It’s a smart move, and I think you’ll find the experience rewarding and enjoyable. I visit Coins and Currency of Orlando just about every Saturday.  And Gino, Bob and [...]


Don’t Make Me Think! By Steve Krug – Book Review

I don’t know about you, but I find many web sites a bit difficult to navigate.  Maybe it’s just me – although from comments I read from time to time, others seem to have this problem too. I particularly notice this in some of the social media sites.  Like last night when I noticed a [...]


How Fast Does Your Stock Option Ice Cube Melt? Theta Knows

In an earlier post we talked about a most puzzling mystery.  That was when you buy a call option, and the underlying stock is moving up, but your option and its value may not be.  Or worse yet, your option may be going down. We said that the culprit might be a Greek thing called [...]


Stocks Are The Easiest Way To Be A Business Owner

Many of the wealthiest people in the world have become so by owning businesses. Two of the wealthiest people in the world are Bill Gates and Warren Buffett.  They both own businesses.  And this is no coincidence. Stock investing is really much the same as owning a business. And stock investing is the easiest way [...]


The First Generation That Can’t Retire – What Can You Do

I flew up to St. Louis, my old stomping grounds, for an extended weekend.  It was a great trip as I visited with old friends. One evening their Baby Boomer conversation around the dinner table turned to investing and worries about not being able to retire.  They had been on track until the downturn of [...]